
Seară pentru familii la Crystal Tower Bucureşti

Family Life vă invită la o seară specială pentru familii, cu jocuri, discuții ca între prieteni, teatru de familie și sfaturi despre „spălarea rufelor în familie”.
Vineri, 24 ianuarie 2014, ora 19.00
Primele 40 de cupluri care se înregistrează și plătesc taxa de participare până pe data de 23 ianuarie 2014 pot participa la acestă seara specială.
INTRAREA  20 RON/ cuplu
Înregistrarea AICI

Conferința "Să sperăm că vom supraviețui ca părinți" la Bucureşti


Conferință pentru familii la Anaheim, CA, SUA

The Emanuel Romanian Church of God has planned its next annual family conference, to be held in the Emanuel Church facilities on January 31 - February 1, 2014. One purpose of the conference is to provide an opportunity for people in our congregations and many other friends to build fellowship and grow spiritually in their marriages. It is also intended to stir us up to seek maturity in godliness, and a desire to serve. It is our intention that such conferences will be held at least once a year. Interested couples from outside the Emanuel Church are also warmly encouraged to attend.
  • Friday, January 31, 6:00pm - First Session
    Rev. Dr. Lazar Gog - What Can We Do To Prevent Suicide?
  • Saturday, February 1, 10:00am - Second Session
    Rev. Leonard Semenea - Should A Christian Go To Court?
    Rev. Leonard Semenea - Parenting 101
  • Saturday, February 1, 12:30pm - Lunch
  • Saturday, February 1, 2:00pm - Third Session
    Rev. Ovidiu Dorin Druhora - Forgiveness In A Christian Family
  • Saturday, February 1, 5:00pm - Dinner
  • Saturday, February 1, 7:00pm - Questions & Answers

There is a conference fee of $75 for each couple. This fee allows us to cover costs such as conference materials, meals and other related conference expenses. Every effort has been made to keep the cost sufficiently low to ensure that families will not be deterred from coming because of the expense. Children ministries will be provided.

You can register by contacting:
Diana Catinas: 714.396.6863

Florin Catinas: 714.348.3478